The Bible said that there are no tears in Heaven.

The Bible said that there are no tears in Heaven.
However, angels are not restricted to Heaven. Different types of angels have specific jobs to do, and some of them are messengers, therefore they interact with people. Given that they do move between the beauty of perfection of Heaven, and the baseness of Earth, it is possible that they cry, but this is not stated anywhere. We know they rejoice each time a new believer comes to Christ. But the Bible does not say whether they grieve like the Father and Jesus grieve over the lost.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

My first television show, NCIS: NOLA

Welcome to my world.  It's a lot of hard work.  It looks, and is, fun.  But it's hard work.  I love it!  Thank you so much to those who support my choice.  Without your help I could not be the artist I'm meant to be.
While I was cast in 2 different scenes (the opening, funeral and the bar) you can only see me in the bar scene towards the end of the show.  Season 3 Episode 11 "Let it Ride"  Being on a TV set is much different than movie set.  Everyone is more relaxed, happy, no prima donnas on the movies I've worked on so far.  This is my new adventure I'm sure this wont be the case every time.  Here is the link if you want to watch: NCIS-new-orleans-let-it-ride_Season 3 Ep. 11  Below are the screenshots that you can see me.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Art Of Telling a Good Story

Boy things can happen fast!  I am becoming a better story teller via acting in movies.  It's amazing the doors God has opened up.  I hope to do everyone proud.
My favorite thing is all the interesting people I meet.  So many talented, smart, caring individuals.  It is a blessing to work alongside these wonderful people.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Happy Memory/Words Matter

You never know when someone is REALLY listening to you.
Recently I was reminded of my 9th grade year.  You would think as a freshman I would not want to recall any of that year.   Here's my story to prove that your words matter.

 1989 I was the lead in our school play, I wrote a skit that was performed for the school, and won a
scholarship to MS State University for drama!  That year I kicked ass for the first time!  I found something I was good at and everyone enjoyed it.  I remember the senior Eng. Lit. teacher came up to me after the play and
said, "Rachel, honey, whatever you do in this world remember that you have a gift of speech."  I've forgotten a lot in my many years; that stuck with me.  You never know what you say to a kid that will mean the world to them. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

What is beauty?

What is beauty?

Several days ago a new friend of mine asked me this very question.  By asking the question I think he earned the title friend at that moment.  I took my time and gave it very serious thought.  I hope you do too.  
Beauty is not a reflected image in a mirror.  Beauty is reflected in the eyes of another soul shining brighter because you sincerely showed them love.  "How do you do that, you ask?" 
Let's break it down together.  Many of the cliches are true. 
 Love is doing something to help someone, especially when it doesn't benefit you.  "How can you sincerely do that?"  When you are secure with yourself.  "How can you do that?"  Love yourself. "How?" Start with forgiving yourself.  You will not beat yourself up with the past any more.  You will be proud of your decisions from that day forward.  "Narcissistic?"   I do not mean as a Narcissist.  Secure people foster relationships and naturally build other up.  Their positive nature shines through.  Genuine beauty is first being at peace with yourself.  Once you own the pleasure of having that sense of mind love radiates from you.  Call it a domino effect, ripple, whatever, your spiritual self is what you are.
Beauty doesn't look for approval or seek the affections of others.  "Then why do 'the pretty people' receive approval and affection from everyone?"  Good question.  Because they sacrifice themselves for others?  No!  Beauty has much higher motives.  True beauty receives praise as a side effect.  Beauty is.  Beauty does.  I remind you of step one.  In loving yourself you prioritize your time.  After all it's you only prized asset, treasure it, and most of all guard it.  Beauty takes time with a stranger because you know you can help.  When that person walks away from you they gained more tan they could have asked.That is beauty you can feel.  You don't care if anyone sees it or not.  You don't care if everyone or anyone approves of your actions.  

Beauty is knowing and being yourself.Human beauty is not bought, nor can it be taken.Beauty is showing love to all who enter his/her path.Beauty does not discriminate. Beauty is intelligent, well adjusted and happy.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

The importance of being yourself

We all hear love yourself.  But do you?  Why not?  I want to hear from you.  Email me and I will write a post on what I am discovering and address your thoughts.  Not to worry I don't mention names.

Monday, July 4, 2016

True Freedom

Are you free?  Today I will ceremoniously commit to be and love myself.
Time is our most precious gift and I promise you protect mine.  Let no one steal from you your time or joy.  Remember there are things that are important and those that are immediate, don't confuse them.  You have permission to love yourself.  When you do only then can you truly love others.  Your entire paradigm shifts for the better.  I'm looking forward to enjoying the world without fear, but with true love for others because I am secure knowing I love me.  I will never leave me.  I will forgive me when I make mistakes.  I unconditionally love the woman I am.  

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Today I proposed to and accepted myself

I took the day to rest while everyone else was out of the house.  I'm always seeking to know more even if I'm relaxing.  I watched a Ted Talk.  She was nervous and looked at note cards.  I'm thinking she must be smart if they filmed her so I continued to watch.  Boy, am I glad I did.  Here is the link
I announced on Facebook, like any self respecting adult 😉, that I was engaged. . . to myself.  I'm sure everyone thinks that I've finally had enough of the job hunting and went crazy.  Ah my friend, that is where my real friends will know I'm deeper on the path of self discovery than they realized.  Last week I sold many of my belongings.  While at a pawnshop I saw an Eco-Drive Citizen watch. There was less than $30 difference in the necklace I was selling and it.  I bought myself the watch as a symbol of my firm belief that I will have a job offer by the end of July.  It also said to me I love me.  After watching this video it was clear that it was my "ring".  The date for the ceremony? I'm thinking July 4th. Not because I am independent from people, we never are, but independent of their approval, judgment, acceptance and love.  I love me. Not who I will be, me right now.  I'm pretty awesome.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The more I learn about the mind and body the more intrigued I am to learn more.

For example today one of the many things I learned is that people in shock are hypnotized.  You may be agreeing with me, but I'll bet you think that hypnosis is like going to sleep. Not true. In fact the opposite.  It is being very much aware so much so your subconscious takes the lead. A few years ago I was in the middle of a large traffic pile up.  I wrote about it on my blog and have included it at the bottom of this one.  I had 2 men that were definitely in shock.  Because of my medical training I knew what was happening in the body. But that didn't explain why they responded differently. The mind, my friend, is an awesome thing.  God has made us so unique!  I was, as always, able to get each to listen to me and do what I suggested.  However, each had to be spoken to differently.  I find this so very interesting.
Yes this is my car.

These photos were taken after all 4 of my injured were safe and stable.  Trust me the fog was much worse 45 minutes before I took the photo.

massive-accident-in-magee, I cared for 4 people before taking these photos.  I'm glad God has given me the ability to help others.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

On a search for self discovery

We all reflect from time to time. I go a little deeper sometimes too deep. I am, hopefully, taking my personal inventory correctly.  I'm slowing down to ask why on so many things.  The outcome, I hope, will be that from knowing myself better I can continue to grow positively and help others do the same.